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Breasts are composed of both glandular tissue and fat.

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Having dense breasts means that you have more glandular tissue in your breasts than fat. Breast density is not something you can feel or visualize. The only way to determine breast density is through mammography.

However, having dense breasts impacts the ability to detect breast cancer using mammography. The reason is because both dense glandular tissue and cancer appear white on a mammogram, making it difficult to detect cancer surrounded by dense breast tissue.

In Fact:

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40% of cancers are missed in extremely dense breasts

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More than 40% of women in the US have dense breasts

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30% of cancer missed in heterogeneously dense breasts

Women with dense breasts have a 4-6 times greater risk of developing breast cancer compared to women with fattier breasts.

• Berg, W.A. Breast MRI for “the Masses”. Eur Radiol 32, 4034–4035 (2022);
• Densebreast-info, inc.. DenseBreast. (2023, May 18). Source.

SoftVue™ On The Go Signup

If you have dense breasts and want to experience the softer side of breast imaging, join us for SoftVue on the Go coming to a city near you.

Upcoming Locations

Round Rock, Texas

Hosted in partnership with Austin Radiological Association (ARA), SoftVue™ on the Go is coming to Austin! SoftVue is FDA-approved as a supplemental imaging exam specifically for women with dense breasts and is performed in combination with mammography. Not only does SoftVue increase cancer detection in women with dense breasts, SoftVue is recommended by 95% of women who have experienced the exam due to its comfort and ease.

SoftVue will be available at ARA soon and if you have dense breasts we invite you to experience the SoftVue scan at SoftVue™ on the Go. 

ARA is the only healthcare practice in Texas to offer SoftVue, a technology so comfortable women request it by name. Get ahead of the crowd, come and experience SoftVue, then schedule a SoftVue exam with your next annual mammogram with ARA associates available on site.

*No diagnostic results are images will be provided.

October 29-31, 2024

Scan appointments are available every 45 minutes daily:

  • • 1:30 pm - 5 pm

Appointments are required

October 31, 2024

Scan appointments are available every 45 minutes daily:

  • • 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Appointments are required


Embassy Suites 
270 Bass Pro Dr
Round Rock, TX 78665

Make an Appointment

Use the calendar on the page to select the date and session you wish to attend SoftVue on the Go and complete the registration process. We look forward to seeing you in Austin!

Want SoftVue available in your area? 

Click here and fill out the form and a representative from Delphinus will email you when SoftVue is available in your city. 


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SoftVue™ is an unparalleled 3D whole breast ultrasound tomography system unique to medical imaging.

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Mammography can miss up to 60% of cancer in women with dense breasts, and SoftVue is FDA approved specifically for dense breast cancer screening.

SoftVue in combination with mammography increases cancer detection by 20%. The exam is comfortable with no compression and no radiation. The exam is discrete and takes just a few minutes for each breast.

More than 95% of women who have had a SoftVue exam would recommend SoftVue to other women.

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More comfort with ergonomic, soft padded-table top

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No compression or radiation

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Additional sensitivity increases cancer detection by 20%

The Softvue™ Scan Sequence Has 4 Steps:

Step 1

Patient lies on her stomach on the padded-table top and lowers one breast into the warm water of the imaging chamber.

Step 2

The Sequr™ breast interface engages with the front of her breast to center, shape, and steady it.

Step 3

The scan is activated, and the ring transducer moves along the breast, imaging all levels.

Step 4

Patient raises up and places second breast into warm water imaging chamber and engages with Sequr breast interface.